Dates Puree for Babies - Natural Sweetner for Babies



Dates is a super food for babies. But you cannot give it whole since it might be hard sometimes. This puree is a brilliant way to include dates in your babies diet. All you have to do is add a spoonful of this puree in your baby food, mix it up and feed your baby.

Ideas for using this puree:

1)You can mix this in fruit purees which you make.,
2)Adding this to purees.
3)For older babies, you can give 1 spoon of this puree daily.
4)Use this in milkshakes to sweeten it.

How to introduce solid food to your baby:

Read this

How to sterilize baby feeding bowls: 

Start by sterilizing the bowls and spoons which you are going to feed your baby. Take the bowl and spoon in a large saucepan, cover it with water and bring them to a boil. Boil it rapidly for 5 mins. Now you can turn the heat off and leave them stay in the hot water till use. 

Preparation Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : 25 mins
Makes: 1 cup


Dates - 15 to 20 deseeded
Water - 1 cup


Take dates and water in a sauce pan. Bring it to a boil, simmer for 10 mins till it is cooked.

Now cool this and take it in a blender. Puree till smooth. Pass this through a strainer.

Now put this back on heat and cook till it thickens. 

Cool this mixture down. Store it in a air tight container for a week or more in fridge.

You can use this to sweeten your baby foods.

Use food quality dates

deseed dates and take them in a sauce pan

add water

put it on heat and bring it to a boil

cook for 10 mins till dates soften

now it is done

take it in a blender

puree till smooth

now strain this

this is pure dates pulp

put it back on heat

boil till it gets thick


cool it down, store it in a clean jar in fridge for a week.
You can use this to sweeten your babies food.

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